Quest Apartment Hotels is proud to share its success at the annual HM Awards - the Australasian hotel industry's foremost awards ceremony.
On Friday 27 November, the company and its franchise network won first prize in four separate categories:
- Accommodation Chain of the Year
- Marketing Campaign - On the Road Again (second year running)
- Serviced Apartment Property - Quest Orange, Amy Van de Ven
- Service to the Community
With over 1,000 entries in the HM Awards, COO David Mansfield says the result is a triumph for the global franchise business on the back of a turbulent year in the sector.
“To win an award at any time is a great honour, but to have done so on the back of a year as challenging as 2020 is testament to the calibre of people we have operating Quest Apartment Hotels nationally, aptitude of corporate office, and our overall strategic direction focussed on a firm commitment to guest experience and ongoing franchisee success.
“My sincere congratulations to everyone in the network and in corporate office. Collectively we have made this outstanding outcome possible”.
In a noteworthy accomplishment, Amy Van de Ven from Quest Orange took home first prize for Serviced Apartment Property.
“Amy’s devotion to Quest Orange, her local community and the growth of the business is astounding”, commented Mansfield.
“I also want to commend Quest Penrith and Quest Robina, who were also nominated. Establishing a new business is not easy, but to have done so with such optimism and grit in 2020 is highly admirable”.
Quest’s four HM Awards were preceded by success in the Oceania division of the 27th annual World Travel Awards a couple of weeks back, where the company competed on the global stage.
The company won the prize for Oceania's Leading Serviced Apartment Brand, while hotel Quest NewQuay was awarded Oceania's Leading Serviced Apartments.
“Stacy operates an impressive establishment in an iconic Melbourne location, overlooking The Melbourne Star Observation Wheel and city skyline and we are incredibly proud of his accomplishment”, said Mansfield.
“As we go into December and this enormous year for Quest draws to a close, I hope the recognition of our terrific work serves as a boost, reminding us of the resilience, excellence and resourcefulness of our teams, and the rigour of our business format franchise model”, he concluded.
Madeleine Maher - Marketing & Communications Manager
Quest Apartment Hotels
Level 21, 390 St Kilda Road, Melbourne VIC 3004
Tel: +61 3 8699 1500 Mob: +61 439 002 693